Tuesday, 2 February 2010

LASTMINUTE.COM PROJECT - sting animation

The above is another section of this lastminute.com project. i wanted my animation to remain consistent in their simplicity and direct approach to communicating to future customers.
Slides 1 to 12 show screenshots of the proccess that entwined my illustrations with the a clear strapline that eventually reads as ''various ways to get more good stuff FOR YOU'.... The approach was to interact the consumer in a witty way and further emphasising the concept of superhero quality. The fast pace and use of different directions for incoming and outgoing graphics represents the 'doing things lastminute' side..but rather than this be you...its 'the last minute people'...(last minute man). it shows physical ways that different things can be aquired ( in the form of stereotypical things that we associate with holidaying/activity etc) in ways that people can associate with; a last minute shopping spree dash to get them, metal detecting to get them, physically trying to catch a flying plane in a net etc.
i think that splitting up the phrase in this way, keeps the onlooker interested to see what the finished outcome/benefit will be, almost like a punchline. I' ve kept the simple style consistent and chose a typeface that enriched the illustrations further and therefore looked more appropriate and went together well.

Im happy with my ability to have been able to put so many different elements and scenes together in such a short period of time of having used flash.

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