Saturday, 8 January 2011

Design against fur 2011

So i didn't get the chance to work on this last year so i thought i'd give it a go this year. Not only will it give me the opportunity on working on a live competition brief but also allow me to work with another discipline and as part of a team effort. Photography is something that is lacking in my portfolio so Im utilising this brief in that direction. Not only for this reason but also i think that a topic that is so important and should be highlighted more in my opinion, needs some strong effective imagery to get the message across.
Despite protests and countless campaigns, there is no stopping the use of animal fur for fashion and other unnecessary means. What's even more sinister is that there is actually NO 'eco-friendly' or humane processes to this cruelty and torture. The passion that people have for the awareness of fur factories, fur farms and the means in which HUMANS will go about sourcing fur , and what it entails, is astonishing. Type into google ' anti fur campaigns' and , amongst some highly disturbing images, there are countless poster designs and campaigns, brilliantly executed, that have already been thought of.
It creates a bigger challenge for me to now come up with something original and appealing and it fuels my arisen interest in seriously connecting with other people, who may not know as much about the topic, how truly horrific and hideous it all is.


Last year's OVERALL winner -

Click on the title of the post to find out more infurmation on design against fur..

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